Cancer changes your life, often for the better. You learn what’s important, you learn to prioritize, and you learn not to waste your time. You tell people you love them. My friend Gilda Radner (who died of ovarian cancer in 1989 at age 42) used to say, ‘If it wasn’t for the downside, having cancer would be the best thing and everyone would want it.’ That’s true. If it wasn’t for the downside. ~Joel Siegel

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Towards Finale!!!

Just one more chemo to go and I'm going back to work soon!

Next week I'm going to stay for 4-5 days and one month later go back for scans and I'm officially in remission!

Suddenly, felt so lost like for these 4 months I have achieved nothing and "holidays" are ending soon. No achievements at all!

But definitely this period of time, I have experienced tremendous amount of love from family n friends and even long lost friends or just strangers whom I just meet during my stays in hospital.

I have also learnt how system in hospital works and how to do all your various claims. (Feel free to ask me)

I also see things in different light. I don't like to waste time listening to cold calls or talk to lor soh people. I take things easy as life is too short. U like that bag, buy it!

Whenever I feel very pek cek I will remind myself this quote "there are many crises in the world, spinach on the wall is not one of them!". This applies to mothers but I think it applies to life too.

I'm definitely cherishing my life more. Stop complaining. Be happy.

1 comment:

  1. I like your spirit... and your outlook on life.

    Thank you for making me smile, and for reminding me to remember to live life for today - for tomorrow will take care of itself.
