Cancer changes your life, often for the better. You learn what’s important, you learn to prioritize, and you learn not to waste your time. You tell people you love them. My friend Gilda Radner (who died of ovarian cancer in 1989 at age 42) used to say, ‘If it wasn’t for the downside, having cancer would be the best thing and everyone would want it.’ That’s true. If it wasn’t for the downside. ~Joel Siegel

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Brave and strong

Ever since people hear of my situation, I have been receiving compliments that I am a brave and strong girl. I actually felt flattered but didn't really think much of these two words until there is a room mate during this hospital stay told me that I was a strong girl.

I was kind of curious, so I asked her what made her say this since she is also a patient herself. Somehow it feels different from when my friends say the same thing.

She said because I was quite ok with the chemo. No whining, no crying, don't look scare and still can smile.

A little story about her: 58 year old lady, Gladys. Fought colon cancer in 2006. Relapsed recently. Initially rejected treatment but was encouraged by her doctors. Her cancer already spread to other parts of her body. A soft-spoken lady.

I never thought I could be associated with being brave and strong. 

I have been so timid since young.

When I was in primary school, I was scare of the teachers. I am so timid that I make sure I do my homework everyday and even cried every sunday because of pre-monday blues. I want to be at home I want to be sheltered like a little baby.

When I was in secondary school, every PE lesson I would feel giddy until the teach thought that I was a "chao geng" Ah Lian. And everytime I wanted to be strong, I just couldn't do it. I would still complain of being too weak to run.

When I went for my first three months during JC, I was the only one in my secondary school who went into that school. I was so scare. I cried. I wanted to be with my friends. I was so afraid of being alone.

When I got pregnant, I was so scare of being a mother and giving birth. I admired my friends who didn't use epidural when they gave birth. I told everyone I could never be so strong. And when my baby arrived, I didn't dare to carry her because she was so small so tiny and so fragile, I was afraid I couldn't be a good mummy.

So how can I be strong? How can I be brave?

Deep down inside I am a timid little girl (even my husband thinks so too)

I think I am just going through what most people thought was unthinkable. But hey, cancer is not unthinkable! It can happen to anyone and it is very very common.

Bravery is if I choose to have cancer so that I can show how strong I am by fighting it. On the other hand, Cancer chose me so I have no other choice but to fight it. That is called "认命". I am so timid, I leave everything to fate.

At least I think I am being very optimistic. I shop for comfort, I whine for attention.

And yes! I did not use epidural for giving birth! lolx.

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