Cancer changes your life, often for the better. You learn what’s important, you learn to prioritize, and you learn not to waste your time. You tell people you love them. My friend Gilda Radner (who died of ovarian cancer in 1989 at age 42) used to say, ‘If it wasn’t for the downside, having cancer would be the best thing and everyone would want it.’ That’s true. If it wasn’t for the downside. ~Joel Siegel

Thursday, December 1, 2011

First time wearing my wig!

Wow what an exciting day!

I am all dressed up to meet my dear cousin for shopping :)

My new wig is here and I wore it out. Bought it from Gmarket for $40 and surprisingly the texture is quite nice and the hair colour actually resembles my real hair colour. 

I am going to buy long wavy hair. Envy or not? I can have short hair today and no need to wait for 6 months and I can have long hair tomorrow :)

And I also put on my make up. Drew my eyebrows, put on eyeliner, and have rosy cheeks. Wore a dress with my turtle shell and my pink polka dot shawl. Sibei chio! 

We went SGH for my review first and Cousin said I am the most hip cancer patient around. 

I totally agree. 
When I walked into the doctor's room, he exclaimed "Wah! U look so different!"

"I know. I am very chio right?"

"You look...... different when you were in that hospital robe!"

I said "Of course lah! Anybody would look cui in that hospital robe!"

Even my doctor thinks I am chio ok?

Ok. Come to the serious topic. I am going for Chemo Session 2 Part 1 tomorrow! Initially I thought it is supposed to be done on Monday because I have an appointment on Monday. 

But the doctor count count count the number of days and said "No no no. It is 21 days today. Tomorrow you have to come back and do your chemo."

"So we cannot wait until Monday meh? Have to be so accurate?"

"Yah.. Cannot wait."

Blah. How disorganise can this be? You know how much logistic I have to do? 

Ok la. Not much. Not as if I am very busy. My life now is to wait to get poisoned. 

So tomorrow, I just have to be a good girl, arrive at 10.30am.

And on Monday I have to be admitted and do Chemo Session 2 Part 2. To get that MTX medicine into me. This medicine is toxic to the kidney and liver so I have to be hospitalised for 3 days and be on drip to flush the toxic out. (I told you. Chemo is poison.)

After 2 hours in SGH, we finally zooomed off to Orchard for shopping. I miss shopping with Cousin. I miss gossiping with her. I miss Orchard. I miss Ion. I miss Wisma. I miss town. The list goes on.

Our failed attempt to self take. How did the hell you girls do it?
I look fat.

Some see a hopeless end, while others see an endless hope.  ~Author Unknown

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