Cancer changes your life, often for the better. You learn what’s important, you learn to prioritize, and you learn not to waste your time. You tell people you love them. My friend Gilda Radner (who died of ovarian cancer in 1989 at age 42) used to say, ‘If it wasn’t for the downside, having cancer would be the best thing and everyone would want it.’ That’s true. If it wasn’t for the downside. ~Joel Siegel

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

8th Nov 2011 (Tues): 11th day in Hospital (SGH) - Bone Marrow extraction

I had the bone marrow aspiration today at 3pm. Maybe the doctors saw that I was very scare so they give me more local anesthesia (LA). Bone marrow is extracted at the right back hip. After the LA was given, they will poke a big needle in (actually I don't know is it needle or tube.) and do some extraction, it was a bit uncomfortable. Because every extraction it feels "raw", same feeling as raw gums. They extracted out around 5 times.

That was the first part. Second part is scraping the bone marrow (i think they scrap it). It goes all the way in. I couldn't feel it going into my bone but felt them pushing very hard in and they were some shaking. And when they took out the needle, I thought it was over, I was told that the bone marrow sample is TOOOOO small! They need to poke me again and get a bigger one! It's like WTF!

So there they poke in again and I requested more LA because I could feel it going into my bone the second time. Then they push and push. Well, I think the whole experience is actually not as scary as I thought maybe because I keep asking them put more LA. I do not want to subject myself to more physical tortures :(

The bone marrow test is necessary to test if the lymphoma has spread there because my lymphoma is in the spine and it is very close to the bone marrow. Nonetheless of the results, the chemotherapy given will be same.

And during the whole bone marrow aspiration, I was lying on my side and whatsapp-ing friends! While they are poking into my bone. HAHA.. I think it is a good way to distract myself and the nurses thought that i am very cool playing iphone while having bone marrow aspiration! lolz.

I requested to see the bone marrow since they asked if I wanted to see how it looks like:
The long red thing is bone marrow

And after that, I had to lay in bed for 6 hours because they say my part of my bones are extracted so have to lay in bed cannot walk around. Pass urine also need to use bed pan. I hate that!

When the anesthesia is off, I felt the tail bone aching, not at the site that they extract. However, I was assured that this normal. But this aching is nothing compared to my excruciating backache.

I will be starting chemo tomorrow. They are using medicine MRCHOP on me. RCHOP (5 different medicine) will be done tomorrow (Day 1) and M will be done on Day 4. And for medicine M they need to hospitalise me to put on drip for 3 days to flush out it out of my kidneys. So I have to stay another one week or so here.

I am so happy that I have to post this: I bathed MYSELF today! Normally the nurse will be there to monitor me and help me wash up abit and also to help me dress up. But today I told them I can do it myself and I did everything myself :) I am so proud that I am nearer to independence. To many normal people these are easy tasks, but to someone whose legs are weak, I think I just have to re-learn alot of basic skills in life. 

Well, tomorrow will be the day where all the fatigue, botak head and loss of appetite start to come in. Wish me lotsa luck :)

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