Cancer changes your life, often for the better. You learn what’s important, you learn to prioritize, and you learn not to waste your time. You tell people you love them. My friend Gilda Radner (who died of ovarian cancer in 1989 at age 42) used to say, ‘If it wasn’t for the downside, having cancer would be the best thing and everyone would want it.’ That’s true. If it wasn’t for the downside. ~Joel Siegel

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Advantages of having cancer?

It's not that I love having cancer, but there are some things I like about it.

I hope everything that I list will continue after I recover. lolx..

Advantages of having this invading cells that attempts to ruin my body quietly but got found out, or cancer in short:
  • ZZZ monster: When I say I want to sleep, nobody says I am lazy. I get the privilege to sleep. Anytime. Anywhere. I get to nap in the afternoon for as long as I want. All I need to say is "I am very tire. I think it's the chemo." I get to blame it on the chemo. If I wake up too early, my mum will force me back to sleep. 
  • Byebye hair: I love my hair. But if only it grows on my head. Why is our body designed to have hair on the armpits and erm.... the private part, or pubic area? So the armpit hair (or nicer term: underarm hair) actually have a purpose. That is to wick off sweat or other moisture so that it prevents bacteria from growing. Pubic hair is there to prevent yeast infections and to hold the scent of pheremones to attract men. Ok. Enough of the explanation. Who the hell wants armpit hair and pubic hair? Not for me though. So bye bye hair (not the head)! Yes. Say you envy me! muahahhaa. For sure, I have no need for waxing or shaving for at least the next six months. As for my bald head, I can wear lotsa different kind of wig. Look fake? I will just look into the eyes of those that stare at me and say "I know you love my hair..." -- the only sad part is I have a IPL underarm package used once only.
  • Convenient excuse: It is a good excuse for anything you do not wish to do or forgot to do. Call the credit card company and says "I am sorry for the late payment. I was diagnosed with CANCER and I cannot go down to AXS machine to make that payment. Can you please waive it off?" (p.s. I did not do this. I made it up. But hey it is a good excuse ain't it?) 
  • Sulk and you are excused: I seldom sulk because I am such a cheerful and happy person. I pout. But ONCE IN A WHILE when I sulk, blame it on the chemo. The chemo is making me feeling..... sulky?
  • Spend and you are forgiven: I love shopping. Who doesn't? Just that at this point of time, I have even more reason to go SHOPPING! Woohoo~ My hubby used to nag at me when I spend money. But now I just have to say "It makes me happy. I don't know if I have any more time to spend. Please darling" And he melts and parts with the money. Ok. I am exaggerating. I don't exactly buy things. I buy what I need not what I want. Those gmarket shopping for handphone accessories and dresses are what I need not what I want. It's a NEED not WANT! Hear me?
  • At least, it is cancer: I have time to do what I want. I still can do what I want. I have high rate of survival because it is Lymphoma. I still can spend time with Vera and say I love you to people around me. At least, today I die, I leave with no regrets. Morbid huh? Imagine I flip the newspaper and see people die of accidents, people jog and have sudden heart attack, corpse floating in Bedok reservoir, people having a nice dream but they die in their dreams. I bet all these people have no chance to do what they want, say what they want to say. They must have left with lots of regrets. So people, nobody is spared from death or impervious to death. Please treat everyday as your last and wake up and be glad you are alive (I hope).

Ok I am going to sleep already. It's raining. So comfortable. It's Wednesday. It's 3p.m.

Good night world. Bye bye you poor souls slogging. 

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